Tuesday 15 April 2014

The Best Way To Learn Java From Scratch

You can pass this post off as "subjective" but then I am a smart guy and you know that by now from the other posts you read and you are of course a smart person or else you wouldn't be here on my blog and so to continue being smart and learn Java you will read on.

This is a list of basic Java tutorials in the order which I followed them and it has helped a ton i.e. my Java concepts are really becoming clear for the first time in a long time and this is the minimum knowledge you need to break into the Java developing field meaning to crack interviews as all that any interviewer will ask you for a Java dev position will be covered by the time you are done with these tutorials in the order I have mentioned them.

The Cave of Programming 

You start with this. 

This is a video tutorial course covering all the basics by John of caveofprogramming.com. Here's the course index. The way the course is structured and the paced is simply what beginners need to get started. 

Of course you should also type out the programs as they are covered to actually learn, some people come under the impression that since in video tutorials the guy is typing the programs the syntax will register in their heads just by looking, but no, coding is all about typing the code and doing it hands on. I recommend the Eclipse IDE. 

Also one which I really appreciate is John always maintains naming convention while naming variables, objects, methods, classes etc. And he uses names which actually make it easy to follow what's happening, some tutorials I tried before didn't do so and took naming lightly and hence lost the professional touch.

And John teaches you right on the Eclipse IDE with the code and doesn't bore you by throwing theory on you, but theory part counts for the interviews and so for that comes the next recommendation.


This site compliments the above course with the theory and examples. I guess one good way would be to refer the corresponding theory on this after every video in the video course above.

Also the program examples are mentioned right there with the theory part which makes it damn easy to connect the two and remember. And you must remember this for your interviews and also be able to give examples on call.

The Interview Programs

After the completing the above two you are all set with your basic concepts and theory to answer questions, quizzes and give examples and while it's a lot it's just not enough. 

Interviewers love to test your logic building skills and there are some programs which they will want you write or give the logic and flow for. These are mostly printing numbers, asterisks in certain orders and patterns rightly called pattern programs, playing with strings and sentences like reversing them (abc => cba), reversing just the letters in the sentence (Hello world!!! => !!!world hello) and calculating factorials, Fibonacci series etc. 

Some of the resources to learn these are below and you should find more too online:

The YouTube channel I mentioned in the third point explains and teaches the pattern programs, reverse string etc. while the previous two links just give you the code to those programs straight away.

It's also a little annoying because instead of using an IDE to explain and write code he tries to create the "teaching on a black board" effect by using some software I don't know the name of.

But then the guy teaches and explains well so it'll help you a ton.

Code Practice sites 

The two I know are: 

You should go for these if you want more challenging problems and you are having a great time with Java. These won't be expected of you in the interviews though. I tried like two problems on coding bat then got busy with other work.

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